Management activity schedule
- Spring 2023
- Muskie egg collection and hatching
- Largemouth bass electrofishing assessments
- Walleye fry stocking into area lakes
- Mississippi-St. Croix-Minnesota River fish radio-telemetry study
- Monitoring for invasive carp
- Scheduled lake surveys and assessments
- Summer 2023
- Radio-tag fish in St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers for telemetry study
- Lake sturgeon tagging and monitoring in St. Croix River
- Rear muskie fry in St. Paul state fish hatchery
- Distribute tiger muskie fry to private hatcheries
- Monitor St. Croix River and Pool 2 of Mississippi for bighead carp and silver carp
- Collect forage for state fair display fish
- Scheduled lake surveys and assessments
- Distribute muskie fry to other area offices for further rearing
- Collect additional display fish for state fair
- Monitor St. Croix and Pool 2 of Mississippi for bighead carp and silver carp
- Download fish movement data from acoustic-tag receivers in rivers
- Scheduled lake surveys and assessments
- Collect additional display fish for state fair
- Prepare state fair live fish display at the state fairgrounds
- Monitor St. Croix and Pool 2 of the Mississippi for bighead carp and silver carp
- Download fish movement data from acoustic-tag receivers in rivers
- Staff state fair live fish display
- Scheduled lake surveys and assessments
- Monitor St. Croix and Pool 2 of the Mississippi for bighead carp and silver carp
- Download fish movement data from acoustic tag receivers in rivers
- Scheduled stream surveys and assessments
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