Some roles of the DNR before, during, and after floods
Office of the Commissioner
- Assistant Commissioner for Field Operations and Community Outreach - leads the collection of information, through Regional Administration (Regional Directors and Regional Business Managers), of estimated damage to DNR land and facilities. The office of the Assistant Commissioner of Field Operations and Community Outreach provides DNR information to HSEM and coordinates all DNR planning response and recovery actions.
Bureau of Management Resources
- Safety Administrator - coordinate requests from HSEM during a flood event and coordinate the staffing of the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
- GIS - provides GIS data to HSEM. Also performs other data processing tasks in support of the flood response. Includes both Central Office and regional staff.
Division of Enforcement
- Conservation Officers - provide assistance at the local level during the disaster such as search and rescue, evacuations and other issues of public safety.
- Enforcement Aircraft - with division aircraft and helicopter provide assistance/aerial observation regarding ongoing flooding events, as well as coordination of on the ground responders in remote areas and washouts. Provide aerial observation to Division of Waters staff and others in assessing flood damage and areas of immediate concern.
Regional Operations
- Regional Director - local government contact during event. Coordinates with State and Federal incident command systems.
Division of Ecological and Water Resources
- Floodplain Unit - provide information, training, and assistance to local units of government on matters of floodplain ordinance compliance and flood hazard mitigation. Provide information and guidance concerning flood insurance, substantial damage determinations, and flood clean up.
- Area Hydrologists - provide local officials with technical (flood plain, general hydrology) information in planning for the flood fight. Provide on-the-scene quantitative and anecdotal information to flood forecasters before and during the flood. After the flood, handle permit matters concerning repair of flood damage in public waters. Provide information to local officials concerning the determination of substantially damaged structures. Assist in documenting maximum crest levels for the event.
- Stream Monitoring Unit - provide stream discharge/stage information to flood forecasters before and during the flood fight. Assist in documenting maximum crest levels, peak discharge estimates, and frequency analysis after the event.
- Climatology Unit - coordinate with flood forecasters on antecedent climate conditions and evaluate those conditions in historical context. Provide disaster relief officials with post-event summary of climate conditions leading to the disaster.
Division of Forestry
- Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC) - houses staff members from the Minnesota Incident Command System (MNICS) and the Northeastern Interagency Fire Cache. MNICS ICS Type II Incident Management Teams can provide support to state and local units of government with their need for a coordinated emergency response during a flood. The Cache provides equipment and supplies for incidents administered by federal and state agencies. MNICS can also provide access through the national wildfire mobilization system to resources from outside of Minnesota including Type I Incident management Teams. MIFC also disseminates information on the actual flood response resources and efforts dispatched by MIFC. At times this is provided to the DNR I&E or the State EOC at times it is sent directly to the media by MIFC.
Division of Parks and Trails
- Staff - evacuate visitors to safety with the help of local emergency officials. Provide information to public about facility closures. This includes state parks and recreation areas, state trails, water accesses, and water trails. Document damage to State property.
Office of Communication and Outreach
- Media and Marketing Unit - disseminate information such as facility closures, water safety messages, and DNR flood response activities to the media
Office of Management and Budget Services
- Regional Business Managers - coordinate the collection and tracking of DNR costs related to flood incident and issues cost coding instructions. Coordinate and manage the Department's application for FEMA grants. Provide direction for budget related issues.
Division of Fish and Wildlife
- Staff - may provide staff and equipment at the local level through coordination with the incident command system. May be asked to assess the resource impact and mitigation or restoration efforts once the flood is over.
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