Note: this page was originally written in 2015. The table below, however, is accurate as of June 26, 2020.
Few summers go by without some degree of mugginess, and even a summer as glorious as this one has episodes of high dew point temperatures, creeping above 70 degrees. Indeed, from August 31 to September 6, the Twin Cities has seven days in a row with at least one hour of a dew point temperature of 70 degrees or above. This was the longest streak of muggy weather so late into a season.
What is the longest streak? The record for consecutive days when the dew point temperature has climbed to 70 degrees or higher is 1987 with 19 days. This includes the dates when the 1987 Super Storm occurred.

Streaks of 70 Degree dew Point Days at the Twin Cities
Courtesy: MN State Climatology Office
Courtesy: MN State Climatology Office
Last modified: June 26, 2020
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