Location: Stillwater, Northland Park, Northland Avenue and County Road 12
Species present: Bluegill, Black Crappie, Bullhead

Depth: 8 feet
Size: 14 acres
Wheelchair access: None
MTC bus: None nearby
Park entrance fee: No
Restrooms: Yes, but distant.
Parking: Good
Picnic: Yes
Grills: No
Playground: Yes, but distant.
Other activities: Ball fields, horseshoes, tennis, walking path
Agency: City of Stillwater Parks Department (651) 439-4561
Fishing pier: No

Comments: Northland Lake was incorporated into the FiN program in 2003. The best shorefishing occurs on the shoreline along County Road 12. In midsummer, vegetation in shallow water can get thick and interfere with fishing. The 2013 fish survey found very low numbers of Bluegill and Black Bullheads in Northland Pond.