Findings of Fact and Conclusions
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources determines that the de-designation and sale of the shoreland parcel of Whitney Island SNA is authorized and can proceed. A complete copy of the finding of fact can be requested by contacting the SNA Program.
Public Hearing Information
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has held a public hearing on potential changes to the Whitney Island Scientific and Natural Area (SNA).
The purpose of the hearing was to take public input on a proposal to sell approximately 2.4 acres of land from the Whitney Island SNA in Rice County. The 2.4 acre parcel is located on the east shoreline of Cedar Lake. The SNA designation on Whitney Island will not change.
The 2.4-acre parcel is not known to contain native plant communities or rare species. The parcel does not contribute to the goals of the SNA Program. If SNA designation is removed, the parcel will be sold by public auction pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapters 92 and 94.
Purpose of Scientific and Natural Areas
- Scientific and Natural Areas are state lands established to preserve natural features and rare resources of exceptional scientific and educational value.
- Whitney Island SNA protects maple-basswood forest and emergent marsh.
- Whitney Island SNA is open to activities such as hiking, bird-watching, nature photography, and snowshoeing.