Louisiana crayfish, also known as red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) are native to the southern United States and commonly used in crayfish boils. They are also a prohibited invasive species in Minnesota, meaning that a person may not possess, import, purchase, sell, propagate, transport or introduce them to a free-living state without a permit. This regulation applies whether the crayfish are living or dead. It is also illegal to import any species of live crayfish or crayfish eggs without a permit. This page describes options for individuals interested in hosting crayfish boils or other forms of crayfish consumption.
Use crayfish from Minnesota waters
A resident angling license and permit from the DNR are required to harvest crayfish for sale. For a list of individuals permitted to harvest crayfish for sale in Minnesota, please contact Sean Sisler (651-259-5213, [email protected]). A person may harvest crayfish, provided that they follow Crayfish Harvest Regulations and do not move the crayfish to other waterbodies. Rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus) is a regulated invasive species that is already in a free-living state in Minnesota. It is illegal to introduce regulated invasive species to public waters, though they are legal to possess, sell, buy and transport.
Purchase native crayfish raised through aquaculture
Native crayfish may be available for purchase from licensed private aquaculture businesses in Minnesota. A list of licensed businesses is available from the Department of Natural Resources. Call (651-259-5350) or email [email protected] for information on requesting the list.
Apply for a permit to import dead, frozen or pre-cooked Louisiana crayfish
Fill out and submit a general permit to import nonliving red swamp crayfish PDF. The permit and application are free of charge. Submit your completed application to [email protected]
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Questions? Contact us!
Rafael Contreras-Rangel, AIS in Commerce Prevention Planner, [email protected], 651-259-5350.