Contract, grant and permit requirements

“Come Clean, Leave Clean”

If you are working on DNR lands as part of grant or contract or are working under a permit, your grant, contract, or permit will explain the steps you need to take to prevent or limit the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive species.

Minnesota DNR protects and manages the diverse natural resources of Minnesota. Because invasive species have the potential to adversely affect these natural resources, it is the DNR's policy to limit the introduction of invasive species onto DNR managed lands and waters, limit their rate of geographical spread, and reduce their impact on high value resources.

Operational Order 113 (Invasive Species) sets forth DNR policy and procedures to:

  • Prevent or limit the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive species
  • Implement site-level management to limit the spread and impact of invasive species

This operational order applies to all DNR resource management activities by employees and non-DNR individuals or organizations on DNR-administered lands and public waters; and activities DNR permits or funds (grants).

Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species

(From pages 3-6 of Op Order 113 )

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Cleaning off boots with a boot brush can prevent the spread of weed seeds to natural areas.

Before you arrive at a work site and before you leave:

  • Inspect all equipment (boats, trucks, gear, machinery, etc.) for and remove all visible plants, seeds, mud, soil, and animals from your equipment, boots, etc.
  • Drain water from any equipment, tanks, or water-retaining components of boats such as motors, live well, bilge, or transom wells onto dry land.
  • After working on infested waters or waters known to harbor pathogens of concern, clean and dry equipment prior to using in locations not known to be infested with species or pathogens present at the last location visited.  Drain plug must be pulled between waters.

When moving materials:

  • Do not plant or introduce invasive species.
  • Do not transport water from infested waters, except by permit.
  • Use only mulch, soil, gravel, etc. that is invasive species-free or has a very low likelihood of having invasive species.
  • Inspect transplanted vegetation for signs of invasive species that may be attached to the vegetation and remove (i.e. other plant material and animals etc).
  • Do not move soil, dredge material, or raw wood products that may harbor invasive species from infested sites.
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Soil stuck on heavy equipment can bring weed seeds and earthworms to a site.


  • Check each project site for invasive species infestations prior to management activity.
  • Work first in non-infested areas and then move to infested areas.
  • Minimize disturbance.
  • Preserve existing native vegetation.
  • Consider whether the source of materials is invasives-free.
  • At your pre-work meeting, make sure you talk to your DNR contact person and that you understand the requirements for your situation.  Guidelines can vary depending on the project and the DNR Division.


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A hot-water pressure wash can prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species such as zebra mussels, VHS fish disease, and spiny waterfleas.

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