News release: DNR shares tips for celebrating the Fourth of July in state parks, recreation areas

June 26, 2023

Minnesota state parks and recreation areas are great places to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday. Not only is there an abundance of recreational opportunities, state parks and recreation areas offer a quiet location to celebrate Independence Day away from loud fireworks displays. Minnesota rules prohibit the use of fireworks in state parks.

“Not everyone enjoys the light and sound associated with fireworks,” said Ann Pierce, Parks and Trails Division director. “Minnesota state parks and recreation areas offer a fireworks-free environment for those who want to celebrate Independence Day in a more peaceful place.”

Most Minnesotans live within 30 miles of a state park or recreation area. The ParkFinder tool can help visitors in finding a park location that meets their needs.

The DNR encourages all visitors to state parks and recreation areas to keep safety in mind as they celebrate the holiday outdoors with family and friends:

  • Pack smart. Be sure to bring sunscreen, insect repellant, a first aid kit and plenty of water for all the people and pets in your group.
  • Be BearWise. See the DNR’s bear safety webpage for tips on avoiding an unwanted bear encounter.
  • Fun boating is safe boating. Always wear a lifejacket, and make sure children wear theirs. For more boating safety tips, check out the DNR’s boat and water safety webpage.
  • Be weather aware. Check the weather forecast before heading out.

For more information about visiting state parks and recreation areas, contact the DNR Information Center at [email protected] or 888-646-6367 (8 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday).

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