Ecological and Water Resources Division

man standing in front of a pond at sunset, back to the camera and facing the water

About us

Ecological and Water Resources is one of seven divisions within the Department of Natural Resources. Programs in the division are organized into four sections:

  • Ecosystem Management and Protection: Invasive Species, Conservation Management and Rare Resources, Nongame Wildlife, Minnesota Biological Survey
  • Conservation Assistance and Regulation: Environmental Review, Land Use, Dam Safety and Permits, Water Regulation
  • Inventory, Monitoring and Analysis: Hydrogeology/Groundwater, Lake Ecology, River Ecology, Water Monitoring and Surveys
  • Strategic Information Systems: Business Operations, Communications and Planning, and Information Technology

Ecological and Water Resources has more than 400 staff and 38 distinct programs, creating a diverse and skilled professional workforce.

Our vision

Healthy lands and waters throughout Minnesota.


Minnesota Conservation Explorer

A dynamic new tool for submitting and delivering data on Minnesota's rare features!
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wordle of words describing ecological and water resources division

Strategic Plan 2018-2028

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Landscape resources

Information about nongame wildlife, rare resources, Scientific and Natural Areas, and ecosystem health.
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pond near farmland

Water resources

Information about water management, data and mapping, and permitting.
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