Includes amphibians, birds, fish, insects, mammals, mussels, reptiles, snails, spiders. All species and populations are approximations.
Mammal: 78
Amphibian: 22
Reptile: 31
Bird: 444
Bird year-round residents: 56
Invertebrate: 20,000
Listed as federally endangered and threatened: 13
Listed as state endangered and threatened: 84
Listed as state special concern: 125
Nongame: 800+ species
The largest gray wolf and bald eagle populations in the lower 48 states.
Largest waterfowl: Trumpeter swan
Bald eagles: 1,312+ pairs
Common loons: 12,000
Gray wolf: 2,900+
White-tailed deer: 1.5 million
Trumpeter swan: 3,000+
Black bear: 20,000-30,000
Moose: 2,760
Peregrine falcon: 52 known breeding pairs
(Updated 2019)