DNR EagleCam


This eagle camera is brought to you by the Minnesota DNR Nongame Wildlife Program, which helps over 700 species of Minnesota wildlife thrive. The program is largely supported by donations from people like you.

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2024 EagleCam Season

The EagleCam is off for the regularly scheduled break that happens every year between August and mid-November.

This camera shows the habitat where a pair of bald eagles once nested between 2012-2023. Even though their nest is gone, the eagle pair still occupies this territory and remains in the area. You will see the pair occastionally as well as other eagles and wildlife.

Camera Operations

The camera cycles through a number of different "scenes" on rotating schedule of 2 minutes per scene.  The camera operator will occastionally freeze the screen if possible, when an eagle or other interesting wildlife makes an appearance on camera.

Last season recap:

At 7:53am on Apr. 2, 2023 the EagleCam nest fell.  The main branch holding the nest broke off due to wind and weight of the nest.  
DNR staff responded immediately and searched the site. After a few hours of searching, the chick was found deceased and taken into DNR possession.

The nest was destroyed upon ground impact and is not salvageable. The camera will remain on to watch for the eagles for the foreseeable future. Both adults remain on territory for now, even visiting the tree and defending it from raccoons at night.

We want to extend our sincere appreciation for the outpouring of calls, emails and condolences for the loss of the chick and nest.  We know that the eagle family was as special to you as it was to us. Stay with us as we continue to watch the area for possible new nesting activity.

Donate to the Nongame Wildlife program
This eagle camera is brought to you by the MNDNR's Nongame Wildlife Program, which helps over 1000 species of Minnesota wildlife thrive.

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The Nongame Wildlife Program helps protect and preserve thousands of Minnesota’s wildlife species. In addition to our conservation work, we also engage in outreach and education so that Minnesotans can learn about their wildlife. The EagleCam is one of our best tools for brining Minnesota’s wildlife to everyone. And your donations help keep it running!

When filling your taxes, please consider making a tax-deductible donation via the nongame tax checkoff. You can also donate online anytime. All donations are double-matched and help us continue our legacy of helping Minnesota’s wildlife. We sincerely thank you for any amount you give, it all makes a difference in the life of Minnesota's animals!

We thank you again for all of your generous contributions to the Nongame Wildlife Program so we can continue to bring this amazing view into the lives of Minnesota bald eagles. 

We'd also like to thank our partners in this webcam adventure: Floyd Security and Xcel Energy.

Rewind video for instant replay: Click anywhere on the red timeline bar below the image to go back up to 4 hours. Click on the "LIVE" button to return to the live feed. Make the video full screen by pressing the double arrow in the lower right. To escape from full screen, press the ESC key, or tap "Done" on your mobile device.

Note to viewers: This is live video of wild bald eagles living in nature. Natural struggles will occur and some of the feeding or other wild bird behaviors may be difficult to watch. Please use discretion when watching this cam. DNR staff monitor this camera and nest.

EagleCam Newsletters 

View the latest EagleCam newsletters. These are sent regularly to subscribers during the EagleCam season.

You can sign up for updates here!

Learn more about the EagleCam

Watch video »

Are the adult eagles male or female?

The only visible physical difference between adult male and female American Bald eagles is their size. Females are about 1/3 larger than the males - the females have especially larger feet and beaks. Both parents incubate the eggs and switch several times a day. With this pair, the female appears to have a brighter, whiter head than the male.
Learn more about eagles »

See How They Grow!

adult buidling nest

Adult building nest

adult buidling nest

Laying the eggs

adult buidling nest

Just hatched!

adult buidling nest

Week one

adult buidling nest

Week two

adult buidling nest

Week three

adult buidling nest

Week four

adult buidling nest

Week five

adult buidling nest

Week six

adult buidling nest

Week seven - full size

adult buidling nest

Week nine - learning to fly!

adult buidling nest

Week thirteen - ready to leave!

All photos courtesy of © 2015 American Eagle Foundation, www.eagles.org.

EagleCam Photo and Video Gallery


Video Clips

View happenings that we have captured in the nest this season.


First egg of 2022

Nest delivery of a valentine day's treat

Second egg of 2022

Male repels a raccoon climbing into the nest

View the 2022 YouTube playlist


View the 2020 YouTube playlist

2018 and 2019

View the extras YouTube playlist from 2018 and 2019

About Bald eagles

Once pushed to the brink of extinction, the Bald eagle has made a powerful comeback since the pesticide DDT was banned in the early 1970s. Minnesota has more Bald eagles than any other state in the lower 48 states.

Places to see Bald eagles in Minnesota

An eagle camera is a great way of getting a close-up view of nature without even leaving home. But if you live in the Twin Cities or elsewhere in Minnesota, there are lots of places outdoors such as state parks where you can watch eagles and other wildlife, and do fun things like catch fish, paddle a canoe, and more.

Eagles in winter »
Eagles in summer »
Find a Minnesota State Park close to you »

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