All About Minnesota's Forests and Trees

cover of Primer

A Primer

A publication produced by the DNR Forestry

Download a complete book or contact the DNR Information Center to request a copy.

Who should read this book?

This book is written for those of us who care about trees and forests and who want to share our knowledge with others. With a little motivation, each one of us can teach about trees, care for trees, and establish a legacy of trees around our schools, homes, and communities. Please share what you learn with students, neighbors, community leaders, and others who care for trees and forests.

How this book is organized

This book is a “primer,” which means every topic and new word builds on a topic or word introduced earlier. The first two chapters introduce the basics about trees and forests; chapters three through six discuss people’s interactions with trees—past, present, and into the future. Several appendices are provided to give the reader more in-depth information. (Words in bold italics are defined in the glossary.)

Book Chapters

Primer Quiz and Answer Key

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