The Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) Grant Program will begin to accept applications for the first round of New Applicant, Traditional, Metro, and Expedited Conservation Projects (ECP) awards on August 1, 2024. Please review the
updated request for proposals and
full funding schedule and
best practices documents for more details.
FY2022 Grant AwardsThank you to the 200+ applicants and grantees who participated in the CPL program evaluation. The
survey results are now available. The Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) Grant Program funds conservation projects that restore, enhance, or protect forests, wetlands, prairies, and habitat for fish, game, and wildlife in Minnesota. Funding for the CPL grant program is from the
Outdoor Heritage Fund, created by the people of Minnesota. The CPL Program has been recommended by the L-SOHC to (and approved by) the MN Legislature annually since 2009. The Minnesota DNR manages this reimbursable program to provide competitive matching grants from $5,000 to $500,000 to local, regional, state, and national nonprofit organizations, including government entities.Use the
CPL grant cycle comparison chart to determine which grant cycle best fits your project.
CPL Frequently Asked QuestionsSign up here for the CPL Listserv and be the first to know when the application system opens!
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