Click to switch to Tabular Search by legal description, lease number, county, or status
The DNR has developed the School Trust Aggregate Finder web map to help local government and private entities locate sand, gravel, and crushed stone resources on school trust lands. Parcel data is updated on a regular basis. Please email the program administrator to sign up for Aggregate Finder notifications.
- Map Symbols Classification Details
Each parcel symbol shown on the map is given a classification related to construction aggregate lease activity or sand and gravel resource potential. The five classifications and general descriptions are:
Active Lease - Parcel is currently leased.
Historic Lease - The parcel has been leased previously and may be available for a new lease.
Candidate - Aggregate resources are inferred based on digital data and DNR field observations. Additional field investigation is needed.
Prospective - Aggregate resources are inferred based on digital data only. Additional field investigation is needed.
- Map Tools Details
Search - Use this tool to search for any Minnesota county, city, or municipal township. As an example, type in 'Hermantown'. Search tool will return no results if you add in 'Minnesota' or 'MN' to the search.
Measure - Use this tool to measure distance of a line. This tool may not work in older versions of some browsers.
Basemap - Change the basemap by clicking the imagery, compass, or LiDAR icons at the bottom of the map.
Clustered Markers - Closely spaced parcels are clustered at larger map scales into a single marker. This marker is labeled on the map by the number of clustered parcels inside it. Zoom or click a clustered marker to view individual parcels.
Parcel Information - Zoom in to an individual parcel icon and click for more information including location and lease details. Parcel classifications are not a direct measure of the type, quantity, or quality of aggregate resources. Parcel icons represent the center of parcel only, size and boundary of both parcel and aggregate deposit may differ. Access conditions vary.
- Access to Parcels & Material
Exploration of Candidate & Prospective Parcels
A DNR permit is required for on-site field exploration. Access conditions will vary by parcel and leases are not guaranteed. The DNR has a separate aggregate mapping program providing county-wide aggregate resource maps to assist with land-use zoning planning. While observations from the mapping program supplement the information provided on this page, certain methodologies or conclusions may vary. For more information please visit:
Aggregate Resource Mapping Program »Material Sales
The DNR does not operate a retail business to sell stone products or construction aggregates. Lessees identified on the map may be contacted directly, please send an email inquiry to the aggregate leasing program if you would like assistance reaching a lessee.
- Use and Data Disclaimers
Technical Requirements
This site makes use of JavaScript to display dynamic content and provide an enhanced user interface. Most browsers have JavaScript enabled by default. If you have disabled JavaScript on your browser you may wish to enable it to make the most of this site. This site makes use of pop-up windows. If you cannot view query results or metadata you may need to disable your browser's pop-up blocker.
Use Disclaimer
Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the factual data on which this map interpretation is based. However, the Department of Natural Resources does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or any implied uses of these data. Users may wish to verify critical information; sources include both the references here and information on file in the offices of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Every effort has been made to ensure the interpretation shown conforms to sound geologic and cartographic principles. No claim is made that the interpretation shown is rigorously correct, however, and it should not be used to guide engineering-scale decisions without site-specific verification. This information should not be used to establish legal title, boundaries, or locations of improvements.
Data Disclaimer
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the reuse of data provided herewith, regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data 'as is', and assumes all risks associated with its use. By accepting this data, the user agrees not to transmit this data or provide access to it or any part of it to another party unless the user shall include with the data a copy of this disclaimer. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data.
If you would like to learn more about construction aggregate leasing opportunities, please contact:
Aggregate Leasing Program
Nic Borchardt
Lands and Minerals Division
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4045
Tel: 651-259-5958