Bears can be attracted to agricultural properties, creating problems for landowners. In addition to following tips for homes and cabins, landowners who experience issues should consider the following.
Farmers can experience bear problems with their livestock and crops.
To control problems:
- Corral animals close to buildings at night.
- Promptly bury dead animals or take them to a rendering plant.
- Eliminate on-farm garbage dumps.
- Encourage hunting in problem areas.
- Monitor crops to detect problems early.

Beehives protected by an energized fencing system.
Orchards, apiaries (collections of beehives) and chicken coops
Bears can be especially troublesome in orchards and beehives, because of potentially large financial losses. Energized fences are the best long-term control measure for these situations, as well as for bear issues with chicken coops. The are many ways to set up energized fences to fit your individual needs. Many resources are available to help with this, including this beginner's guide to electrified fences from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.
These fencing systems will prevent wildlife damage when installed and maintained properly. If damage occurs, contact your local DNR Area Wildlife Manager for technical recommendations.
Additional assistance
If you've tried these techniques and are still having bear problems, contact your local wildlife manager or the wildlife depredation specialist.