MinnAqua Program provides these images, graphics, and photographs for educational use.
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Fishes of Minnesota
Download the DNR's popular, two-sided Fishes of Minnesota poster.
Fish family
Bowfin family
Bowfin |
Catfish family
Channel Catfish | Channel Catfish Outline | Flathead Catfish |
Black Bullhead | Brown Bullhead | Yellow Bullhead |
Cuskfish family
Burbot |
Drum family
Freshwater Drum | Freshwater Drum Outline |
Gar family
Longnose Gar | Longnose Gar Outline |
Goby family
Round Goby Invasive Species | Tubenose Goby Invasive Species |
Killifish family
Banded Killifish |
Lamprey family
American Brook Lamprey | Chestnut Lamprey | Northern Brook Lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Invasive Species | Silver Lamprey |
Minnow family
Bighead Carp Invasive Species | Bluntnose Minnow | Common Carp Invasive Species |
Common Carp Outline Invasive Species | Creek Chub | Fathead Minnow |
Fathead Minnow Outline | Golden Shiner | Grass Carp Invasive Species |
Northern Redbelly Dace | Silver Carp Invasive Species |
Mudminnow family
Central Mudminnow |
Paddlefish family
Paddlefish | Paddlefish Outline |
Perch family
Eurasian Ruffe Invasive Species | Johnny Darter | Sauger |
Walleye | Walleye Outline | Walleye Flipped |
Walleye Stylized | Yellow Perch | Yellow Perch Outline |
Pike family
Muskellunge | Northern Pike | Northern Pike Outline |
Sculpin family
Mottled Sculpin |
Smelt family
Rainbow Smelt |
Stickleback family
Brook Stickleback |
Sturgeon family
Lake Sturgeon | Lake Sturgeon Outline |
Sucker family
Bigmouth Buffalo | Golden Redhorse | Northern Hogsucker |
River Redhorse | Shorthead Redhorse | Silver Redhorse |
White Sucker | ![]() White Sucker Outline |
Sunfish family
Black Crappie | Black Crappie Outline | Bluegill |
Bluegill Flipped | Bluegill Outline | Green Sunfish |
Largemouth Bass | Largemouth Bass Outline | Pumpkinseed |
Rock Bass | ![]() Smallmouth Bass |
Temperate Bass family
White Bass | White Bass Outline | White Perch |
Trout-perch family
Trout-perch |
Trout & Salmon family
Brook Trout | Brook Trout Outline | Brown Trout |
Chinook Salmon | Cisco | Coho Salmon |
Kiyi | Lake Trout | Lake Whitefish |
Pink Salmon | Rainbow Trout | Round Whitefish |
Siscowet | Steelhead |