OHV Trail Detail
Alger Grade OHM Trail

Thirteen miles of OHM single track on MN North Shore style terrain. This trail system provides a variety of trail experiences for OHM riders from beginner to advanced. Most advanced sections have marked go-arounds. The Alger Grade OHM trail system is divided into 12 separate trails by an access road or the Wild Country ATV Trail, allowing OHM riders to choose the level of difficulty and amount of riding they wish to do. Trail 1 starts off of the Wild Country ATV trail on the north side of E. Alger Grade and is a good choice for beginning riders. OHM riders will find the most technically demanding terrain on trails 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
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Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.
Lake County
Parking available in the C.J. Ramstad lot on the south side of E. Alger Grade (aka: Silver Creek Township 24), just east of Lake County Hwy 2 and E. Alger Grade.
- Jeff Leusman
- 218-343-7138
Difficulty & trail length
more difficult
most difficult
See map for difficulty information.
12.5 miles