OHV Trail Detail
Len Hardy Memorial Trail

The Len Hardy Memorial ATV trail is dedicated to a veteran and a true advocate for motorized recreation, safe and responsible riding, and youth ATV safety. Once the community completes a multi-partnered, multi- use trailhead in the City of Nashwauk, it will begin there, but initially it will start at the Nashwauk City Campground. Starting or ending in Nashwauk, this new 9-mile ATV trail will take you through historic mining lands of old Butler Taconite. It is open to Class I & Class 2 ATV’s. This trail follows through mixed aged aspen stands and travels on old mining dikes to the connect to the Alborn – Pengilly Railroad ATV trail. This trail was made possible by the collaboration with US Steel, Mesabi Metallics, Blandin Forestry, and Itasca County. This trail is provided by Itasca County and maintained by the Range Riders ATV Club.
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Itasca County
- Range Riders ATV Club
- Robyn Birr
- 218-360-5001