OHV Trail Detail
Spider Lake Trails

The Spider Lake Trails travel 29 miles throughout Foot Hills State Forest. From smooth and sandy to rough and rocky, the trails provide a challenging ride as they curve around lakes and ponds, follow ridges, and traverse several hills and slopes throughout the forest. Trails are open year-round, except on groomed, signed snowmobile trails. These trails are provided and maintained by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Winter Use: Forest OHV trails allow winter OHV use, with the exception of Snowway 1 between December 1st and March 31st. OHVs may cross Snowway 1 at 90 degree angle to cross to other side.
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Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.
Cass County
From Pine River, go 12 miles west on Co. Rd. 2, then south 1.5 miles on Spider McKinley Forest Rd.
- Minnesota DNR Parks & Trails
- Bemidji
- 218-308-2372
When open
Normal season:
Year-round (except firearms deer season or on groomed snowmobile trails)