OHV Trail Detail
Genoa Trail

The four-mile Genoa Trail in northeastern Minnesota begins near Eveleth and ends at the Sherwood Forest Campground in Gilbert. From the campground, riders have access to a trail into the Iron Range Off-Highway Vehicle State Recreation Area. Parking lot is located on the south side of Highway 37, first turn east from Highway 37- Highway 53 interchange.
Winter Use: OHVs are allowed on ungroomed portions of trail but not allowed on portions groomed for snowmobiles. Ungroomed portions may be shared with snowmobiles and non-motorized users who are hiking, biking, etc.
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Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.
St. Louis County
Parking lot is located on the south side of Hwy 37, first turn east from the Hwy 37/Hwy 53 interchange
- Quad Cities ATV Club
- Jeff Leese
- 218-750-7652