OHV Trail Detail
Warroad/Roseau Trails

This trail system is located within Beltrami Island State Forest and connects to 200 additional miles of ATV/OHM trails. The trails travel along pine-covered ridges to large areas of low flatland and peat bogs. These trails are provided by Roseau County and maintained by the Roseau/Lake of the Woods Sportman's Club.
From Warroad, take Co. Rd. 5 south for 11.5 miles to the Clear River Day-use Area.
From Roosevelt, go 2.25 miles south on Co. Rd. 141 to Cole Forest Rd. Turn west for 2 miles to Roosevelt-Norris Forest Rd. Turn south for approximately 3 miles to Carp Forest Rd., then east 1.75 miles to parking area.
Parking is also available within the Beltrami Island State Forest.
Winter Use: The ATV trails are ungroomed and ATVs are not allowed on groomed snowmobile trails. Normally Thompson Road, Dick’s Parkway, Roosevelt Norris roads are open. The parking lot at Bemis Hill Campground and Winner Silo are plowed and have stocked vault toilets. Users may find firewood where suitable fireplaces exist such as Bemis Hill Campground.
Trail closings | Trail map | What is a geoPDF map?
Not a resident of Minnesota? Don't forget your trail pass.
Roseau County
See parking information at left.
- Roseau/Lake of the Woods Sportman's Club
- Myles Hogenson
- 218-689-6889
When open
The following are closed: Stotts, McAdams, Elkwood, Barry. Trails are wet and will be challenging. Pay attention to your surroundings.
Normal season: