The very popular book Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality was a catalyst for this website. Numerous lakeshore restoration demonstration sites and a series of workshops followed the publication of the book. Restore your Shore was produced to offer a user-friendly, powerful tool for protecting native shorelines and implementing natural shoreland projects.
Restore Your Shore is a powerful tool for shoreland owners and professionals to use in implementing shoreland restoration and protection projects.
Restore Your Shore will enable you to:
- Develop a deeper understanding of shoreland ecosystems and natural shoreland management.
- In Shore Lore, discover how lakeshore problems similar to your own have been resolved through innovative approaches.
- In the Plant Guide, use the Native Plant Encyclopedia, to create your own plant list from nearly 400 native plants (photos included!). Select natives suitable for planting in your area. Find out what to plant and what not to plant.
- Watch your project unfold and be amazed by the transformation. Steps and Techniques will guide you step by step through the design and implementation process.

Wonder how you shore is currently doing? Find out with Score Your Shore, a tool for landowners to evaluate the habitat on their lake lots.
Turns out you already have a natural shoreline? Find out what you can do with a natural shoreline to keep it that way and into the future!
What about my watershed? Learn more with the Watershed Health Assessment Framework. This tool is designed for resource managers interested in the health of Minnesota's watersheds.