ATV safety training requirements

Ages 10 – 15:

  • Youth ages 10 – 15 first complete the ATV Safety Online Course at
  • Next, attend a Hands-on Safety class:  Students ages 10- 15 must register for a Hands-On ATV Safety Training class located on our Class Calendar (below).  A fee may be collected by the instructor.

    o The Hands-On training includes: Basic ATV operation; protecting the environment; common ATV parts and controls; MN rules and laws; responsible ATV riding skills for trail riding, and practicing/demonstrating skills on an ATV course. *Student must be fitted to the ATV they will be operating.
  • Students can print their ATV Safety Certificate from the DNR website after passing the Hands-On class. Instructions are provided during class (includes DNR fee of $10). The ATV Certificate becomes valid at age 12. 

Ages 16 and older

Anyone born after July 1, 1987, and who is 16 years or older, must complete the ATV safety online course at (and pay all necessary fees online) to meet certification requirements. They are not required to attend the ATV safety hands-on class.

Alternate ATV safety training

Proof of completion of the ATV Rider Course offered by the All-Terrain Vehicle Safety Institute is adequate to meet the safety certificate requirements. The fee for the course is $55.

Are you a parent of a child 6 – 9 years old?

Youth ages 6 – 9 years of age may complete the free study guide at ATV Free Study Guide.

  • Free course designed to provide 6 –9 year olds with introductory and basic ATV safety information.
  • No riding performance course offered with this course. 
  • No certification upon completion of the study guide course.


To view detailed information about a class or field day, click on its title.

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03/29/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassLindstromChisago
03/29/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassHutchinsonMcLeod
04/06/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ AMStillwaterWashington
04/06/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ PMStillwaterWashington
04/12/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassLindstromChisago
04/27/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassTracyLyon
04/27/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassSauk CentreStearns
05/03/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ AMOutingCass
05/03/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ PMOutingCass
05/03/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassElk RiverSherburne
05/03/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassRushfordFillmore
05/10/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassRushfordFillmore
05/10/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassAlbanyStearns
05/17/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassDetroit LakesBecker
06/01/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassFergus FallsOtter Tail
06/07/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassWalkerCass
06/07/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassWalkerCass
06/07/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ AMGrand RapidsItasca
06/07/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ PMGrand RapidsItasca
06/28/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassIrontonCrow Wing
07/12/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassMankatoBlue Earth
07/19/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ AMGrand RapidsItasca
07/19/25ATV Safety Hybrid Class ~ PMGrand RapidsItasca
08/03/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassLafayetteNicollet
08/23/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassAlbanyStearns
09/07/25ATV Safety Hybrid ClassSauk CentreStearns

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