Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Technical Training and Certification Program (TTCP) work in partnership to provide a variety of annual trainings related to native plants and native plant communities. Trainings include online modules, in-person coursework, and in-field, hands-on workshops. Subjects range from the use and application of the DNR Field Guides to the Native Plant Communities of Minnesota to identification of species within specific plant groups such as grasses, sedges, or prairie plants.
Who are these classes for?
These classes are geared toward natural resource managers working in forests, prairies, and wetlands, but are open to anyone who is interested.
How much do classes cost?
All workshops are free except for select workshops with lab fees which are typically $45. Participants may also be encouraged to purchase and bring specific resources to each training event (field guides, hand lens, clipboard, etc.). Details on the recommended resources are provided on individual registration pages.
Training dates and registration links

Northern Session: Prairie Plant Identification and Management Course - Twin Lakes Wildlife Management Area, Kittson County
Training data and time to be determined
The day will focus on plant identification across different prairie types, classifying native plant communities while discussing site condition, quality, and management options. The afternoon will include Monarch Habitat Guide Training using plant identification skills.
Contact Becky Marty with questions.

Forest Native Plant Community Classification - Ottertail Point, Cass County
Training data and time to be determined
The day will focus on plant identification across different forest types, classifying native plant communities while discussing site condition, quality, and management options.
Contact Nick Jensen with questions.

Greater Metro Session: Prairie Plant Identification and Management Course - Schaefer Prairie Preserve (The Nature Conservancy), McLeod County
Training data and time to be determined
The day will focus on plant identification across different prairie types, classifying native plant communities while discussing site condition, quality, and management options.
Contact Becky Marty with questions.

Central Session: Prairie Plant Identification and Management Course - Bluestem Prairie Preserve (The Nature Conservancy), Clay County
Training data and time to be determined
The day will focus on plant identification across different prairie types, classifying native plant communities while discussing site condition, quality, and management options.
Contact Becky Marty with questions.

Minnesota Grasses Workshop--Itasca State Park, Clearwater County
Training data and time to be determined
The day will focus on learning and applying grass identification skills. The morning will be a classroom session and the afternoon will be in the field in a variety of community types including wet meadow, wet forest, mesic forest, fire dependent forest, and forest openings.
Contact Becky Marty with questions.

Aquatic Plant Identification Workshop--Itasca State Park, University of Minnesota Biological Field Station
Training data and time to be determinedThis class has a $45 fee. This one-day workshop will be offered on Aug. 1 and repeated Aug. 2. We will review Minnesota’s aquatic plant diversity with a focus on submerged species including macroalgae in the Characeae family. We will begin with a classroom overview session and then break into smaller group laboratory sessions for hands-on experience with live specimens and an optional late afternoon lakeshore visit. Participants are encouraged to bring unknown samples for identification help.
Contact Donna Perleberg with questions.
Some classes will fill up quickly, so please sign-up early! Course instructors will send additional information on class logistics two weeks prior to the scheduled event. There is no cost for these classes, but participants may be encouraged to bring specific resources to each training event (e.g., field guides, hand lens, clipboard, etc.). Details will be provided on the registration page. If you are having difficulty with registration or need an accommodation, please email Kelly Voigt.