Lower Pool 2 Channel Management Study: Boulanger Bend to Lock and Dam No. 2 Maintenance Project

Record of Decision on Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as the Responsible Governmental Unit for environmental review of the Lower Pool 2 Channel Management Study: Boulanger Bend to Lock and Dam No. 2 project, located in Washington and Dakota Counties, Minnesota, has issued the attached Record of Decision regarding the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the project.

The MNDNR concluded on September 6, 2017 that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was not required because the project did not have the potential for significant environmental effects. This Record of Decision was appealed by a non-profit group with an interest in developing Lower Grey Cloud Island, PAS Associates, Ltd., and the Minnesota Court of Appeals remanded the matter back to MNDNR in June 2018. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) then revised the project to change the proposed dredge disposal location to no longer include Lower Grey Cloud Island and instead to use four placement sites which have been included in previous environmental reviews. Based on this, MNDNR then revised the Record of Decision, and determined on May 21, 2019 that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was not required because the revised project did not have the potential for significant environmental effects. The justification for this determination is contained in the Record of Decision. The Record of Decision also contains the Department’s responses to all substantive written comments received on the EAW during the 30-day public review and comment period, and a description of the environmental review processes that this project has undergone.

Issuing this Record of Decision concludes the state environmental review process for this project according to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board rules, Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1000 to 4410.1700. This project can proceed to permitting and approvals.

Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)

This Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) has been prepared to describe the environmental effects associated with the Boulanger Bend to Lock and Dam No. 2 Maintenance Project located in Washington and Dakota Counties, Minnesota. The project is proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the DNR is the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for the environmental review of this project.

This document has been prepared as a Mandatory EAW pursuant to Minnesota Rules, part 4410.4300, subpart 27A (Wetlands and Public Waters). As allowed by Minnesota Rules, part 4410.1300, the Environmental Assessment (EA) that was prepared for the project is being circulated in place of the EAW form, with Appendix I indicating how the EA addresses each of the environmental effects identified in the EAW form.

Public notice of the availability of this EAW is in June 26, 2017 EQB Monitor. A 30-day public review and comment period is open from June 26, 2017 until 4:30 p.m., July 26, 2017.

The proposed project:

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District is proposing to construct two new channel training structures in Lower Pool 2 of the Mississippi River near Hastings, Minnesota to improve navigability and safety by helping to maintain the full congressionally-authorized channel width.

Send comments:

Written and signed comments on the EAW must be received by Wednesday, July 26, 2017 at 4:30 p.m.

By mail:

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Division of Ecological and Water Resources
Attn: Kate Fairman
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025


Send to environmentalrev.dnr@state.mn.us with "Boulanger Bend EAW" in the subject line. Include your name and mailing address.

By fax:

Submit signed comment letters by fax to 651-296-1811.


Please call 651-259-5082.

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