Lands and Minerals releases information to the public regarding many subjects including but not limited to:
- state land sales
- nonferrous metallic minerals lease sales
- exploration plans for nonferrous metallic minerals leases
- construction aggregate maps
- data releases
This webpage provides a home for Lands and Minerals related news releases. If you would like to be notified of these news releases please sign up below with your email address. This does not cover PolyMet related news releases. If you would like to be notified of PolyMet related news releases please visit the PolyMet website.
March 2024
March 29, 2024 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in Aitkin and Carlton counties in an area eight miles north to eight miles southeast of Tamarack, Minnesota. Talon Nickel (USA) LLC (Talon) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole and ground geophysical surveys. Talon and Kennecott Exploration Company (Kennecott) have explored this area intermittently since 2008.
Kennecott holds the state leases and designated Talon as the operator for the proposed exploration activity. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved the operating agreement between Kennecott and Talon.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state laws and is approved by the DNR, Talon will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
December 2023
December 6, 2023 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals lease
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in Aitkin County approximately six miles north of Tamarack, Minnesota. Talon Nickel (USA) LLC (Talon) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole and ground geophysical surveys. Kennecott Exploration Company (Kennecott) previously explored this area in 2011.
Kennecott holds the state leases and designated Talon as the operator for the proposed exploration activity. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved the operating agreement between Kennecott and Talon.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state laws and is approved by the DNR, Talon will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
November 2023
November 29, 2023 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in St. Louis County in an area 13 miles east of Cotton, Minnesota. Encampment Minerals Inc. (Encampment) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole geophysical surveys. This area was previously explored in 2010.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state law and is approved by the DNR, Encampment will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
November 28, 2023 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in St. Louis County in an area five miles southeast of Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Encampment Minerals Inc. (Encampment) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole geophysical surveys. Encampment has explored this area intermittently since 2009.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state law and is approved by the DNR, Encampment will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
October 2023
October 30, 2023 - Plan approved to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
The Minnesota DNR has approved the exploration plan submitted on September 22, 2023, by Franconia Minerals, a wholly owned subsidiary of Twin Metals Minnesota, with the addition of several special conditions to protect the environment. This decision authorizes Franconia to conduct the exploratory drilling proposed in the plan. The DNR's approval does not authorize bulk sampling or mining and the DNR does not currently have any proposal before it for mining within the Rainy River Headwaters Watershed.
Franconia holds valid state mineral leases for the proposed exploration locations and, in accordance with state law, has a right to conduct mineral exploration activities on properties they have leased from the state. The DNR conducted a thorough natural resource review of the current exploration plan and considered all comments submitted by interested groups and individuals. In accordance with Minnesota Rule 6132.0700, the DNR determined that special conditions were needed to protect two state-listed threatened species, protect water resources, and minimize noise and light from the exploration activities. With the special conditions in place, the DNR has determined there is little potential for risk to the environment from the approved exploration activities. The DNR's decision is consistent with the findings of the U.S. Forest Service's Superior National Forest Prospecting Permits EIS in 2012, which concluded that exploratory borings in the Superior National Forest are not anticipated to have a noticeable effect on groundwater quality and are expected to have few, if any, negative effects on surface water quality.
September 2023
September 29, 2023 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in St. Louis County in an area five to six miles east of Babbitt, Minnesota. Franconia Minerals (US) LLC (Franconia), a subsidiary of Twin Metals Minnesota LLC, proposes diamond drilling exploratory borings at up to six drill sites within the leased boundary. Franconia has explored this area intermittently since 2010.
If the proposal meets the requirements of applicable state law and is approved by the DNR, Franconia will have the right to explore the specified state minerals under the terms of an existing nonferrous metallic minerals leases, consistent with the exploration plan and any special conditions required by DNR.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
September 15, 2023 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in Carlton County in an area three to six miles southeast of Tamarack, Minnesota. Talon Nickel (USA) LLC (Talon) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole and ground geophysical surveys. Talon and Kennecott Exploration Company (Kennecott) have explored this area intermittently since 2008.
Kennecott, which designated Talon as the operator for the proposed exploration activity, holds the state leases. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved the operating agreement between Kennecott and Talon.
If approved by DNR, Talon will have the right to explore the specified state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
July 2023
July 10, 2023 - Bidding opens today for DNR's July land sale online auction
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has 10 rural and lakeshore properties for sale. The parcels for sale offer several recreational opportunities.
Properties in Clearwater, Itasca, and Wadena counties are available for online bidding from Monday, July 10 through Monday, July 24.
Anyone interested in bidding on a property needs to register for an account on MinnBid. Visit the DNR land sale webpage to obtain property data sheets, terms and conditions of sale, and instructions for participating in the MinnBid system.
Contact us
Call 651-259-5432, 888-646-6367 or email with questions about a specific property.
June 2023
June 6, 2023 - Online auction announced for Minnesota DNR's summer public land sale
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has state lands for sale in Clearwater, Itasca, and Wadena counties. The 10 rural and lakeshore properties for sale provide several recreational opportunities.
Annual land sales help the DNR optimize its land holdings and meet its responsibility to maximize recreational, conservation, and economic opportunities for the state.
Visit the DNR land sale webpage for more information about the July online public land auction, preview lands for sale, and learn how to register for an account to bid on properties.
The auction
The July online public land auction is in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Administration at MinnBid, Minnesota's Surplus Services online auction website. Properties will be available for bidding Monday, July 10 through Monday, July 24.
Register to bid
Prior to participating in the auction, anyone interested in bidding on a property needs to register for an account on MinnBid. Visit the DNR land sale webpage to obtain property data sheets, terms and conditions of sale, and instructions for participating in the MinnBid system.
Contact us
Call 651-259-5432, 888-646-6367 or email with questions about a specific property.
March 2023
March 31, 2022 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Metallic mineral exploration is proposed in Aitkin and Carlton counties in an area five miles north to eight miles southeast of Tamarack, Minnesota. Talon Nickel (USA) LLC (Talon) proposes drilling exploratory borings and conducting down-hole and ground geophysical surveys. Talon and Kennecott Exploration Company (Kennecott) have explored this area intermittently since 2008.
Kennecott, which designated Talon as the operator for the proposed exploration activity, holds the state leases. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has approved the operating agreement between Kennecott and Talon.
Upon DNR approval, Talon has the right to explore state lands under a nonferrous metallic mineral lease consistent with the exploration plan, any conditions, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
December 2022
Dec. 9, 2022 - Plan submitted to explore on state nonferrous metallic minerals leases
Encampment Minerals, Inc. (Encampment) submitted a proposed exploration plan to continue exploring for metallic mineral deposits in St. Louis County. Encampment proposes to explore on leased state mineral rights in an area about five miles south of Hoyt Lakes, Minnesota. Encampment has intermittently explored this area of St. Louis County since 2009.
Encampment's exploration plan proposes conducting borehole pulse electromagnetic geophysical surveys at two drill sites drilled during previous exploration. Encampment proposes to place up to five wire loops in an area surrounding the drill sites. The site crew will place wire loops by hand. No line or brush cutting is required. The proposed plan states that explorers will only transmit electromagnetic pulses with crew on site.
Encampment will post warning signs at drill sites and in areas where the deployed wiring may cross access routes. When Encampment completes the proposed exploration activity, the site crew will reseal exploratory borings following regulations set by Minnesota's Department of Health.
Upon DNR approval, Encampment has the right to explore state-owned lands consistent with the exploration plan, any stipulations, and applicable laws and rules.
Find a summary report and associated map of the proposed exploration related activities at the DNR's exploration plan webpage.
Dec. 1, 2022 - Bidding opens today for DNR's December land sale online auction
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has 11 parcels for sale including rural and lakeshore properties.
Properties in Itasca, St. Louis, and Wadena counties are available for online bidding from Thursday, Dec. 1, through Wednesday, Dec. 14.
Anyone interested in bidding on a property needs to register for an account on MinnBid. Visit the DNR land sale webpage to obtain property data sheets, terms and conditions of sale, and instructions for participating in the MinnBid system.
Contact us
Call 651-259-5432, 888-646-6367 or email with questions about a specific property.