Site Assessment Worksheet

site assessment worksheetAs you learn about and begin to understand your shoreline, you will want to document the information for future reference.

An easy way to organize the information is with the Site Assessment Worksheet . It is designed for your personal project. Just print out the two page worksheet and add it to your Project Folder.

As you begin thinking about your shoreline, you will become aware of the site conditions that can influence your restoration project:

  • Surrounding area
  • Topography
  • Drainage
  • Soil
  • Vegetation
  • Micro-climate
  • Views

Use the Worksheet to inventory your site and evaluate your findings to see how they apply to your project.

The Site Assessment Worksheet is an important tool that you will refer to throughout this process. Complete the worksheet as you proceed through the Reading Your Shoreline chapter. You may need to rely on past observations of your shoreline to complete some of the worksheet.


lake lot icon

Wonder how you shore is currently doing? Find out with Score Your Shore, a tool for landowners to evaluate the conditions of habitat on their lake lots.


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