Minnesota's shoreland management rules (MR 6120.2500 - 6120.3900) establish minimum zoning standards to protect habitat and surface water quality and preserve property values along Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. These standards are administered through local government shoreland ordinances.The DNR works with local governments to ensure that their shoreland ordinances and ordinance amendments comply with the state shoreland rules and to provide them with administrative assistance. Local governments have authority for making land use decisions, not the DNR. For questions about regulations and permit requirements that apply to properties within lake and river shoreland please contact your county, city or township.
Ordinance and Amendment Development
Resources to help local governments adopt and amend shoreland ordinances.
Related Resources:
- Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) for the State Shoreland Rules
- State buffer law and shoreland ordinances
- Ordinance considerations for Siting Solar Power Facilities near Lakes and Rivers
- Ordinance considerations for Land Alteration and High Water
- Considerations for Township Adoption of a Shoreland Ordinance
Ordinance Administration
Resources to help local governments administer shoreland ordinances.Related Resources:
- Mandatory environmental review
- 2022 County Shoreland Activities Summary Report
- Minnesota’s vanishing natural shorelines
- Residential PUDs
- Managing Nonconforming Lots in Shoreland
- Shoreline Activities, Environmental Impacts, and Jurisdictional Authority
- Permitting Mooring Facilities and Determining the Number of Mooring Spaces in Shorelands
Other Resources
- DNR Area Hydrologists
- County-by-county water-related permit contacts
- DNR shoreland and water-related permits
- Dan Petrik, Lake and River Shoreland Program Manager, 651-259-5697
- Ricky Hoffman, Shoreland Planner, 651-259-5710
- Kathleen Metzker, Land Use Hydrologist, 651-259-5694