WHAF Ecological Health Scores show patterns of health across each of the five components. Scores are scaled 0 (least healthy) to 100 (best health). They use a red to green color ramp for low to high health scores.
Additional information: Understanding Watershed Health Scores.
WHAF Ecological Health Scores are hierarchical; individual index and sub-index scores are combined into a component score, and the five component scores are combined into an overall health score for each major watershed in Minnesota.

Watershed Health Score - Combined

The five Watershed Health Component Scores are combined to create an overall mean or average Watershed Health Score

The Hydrology Health Index Scores compare conditions and responses that influence and are influenced by the hydrologic cycle.
Hydrology Index Scores:

The Geomorphology Health Index Scores compare conditions and that influence the movement of landscape forming materials. Different landscapes have different levels of risk from destabilizing events and conditions.
Geomorphology Index Scores:

The Biology Health Index Scores compare the condition of land and water habitats, the diversity and sensitivity of species present, and the health of aquatic animal communities in our streams.
Biology Index Scores:

The Connectivity Health Index Scores compare conditions that influence connections and disconnects across landscapes, adjacent to streams and lakes, and within streams and rivers.
Connectivity Index Scores:
Water Quality

The Water Quality Health Index Scores compare assessments of contaminants in water bodies, as well as the presence of disbursed and localized pollution sources.
Water Quality Index Scores: