Enhancing access and welcoming new users to public lands and outdoor recreation facilities

Access and accessibility project map. See list link in text for details

Enhancing access and welcoming new users to public lands and outdoor recreation facilities

What's the need: Minnesota's public lands should be accessible for everyone to enjoy. Improving accessibility at DNR-managed facilities and lands enhances the experience for people with disabilities and other visitors. Improved road access and signage and rehabilitated state trails further improve Minnesotans’ recreational experiences.

What's the investment:: Of the $150 million in Get Out MORE investments, $35.4 million will go toward more than 100 access and accessibility projects throughout the state, including:

  • $15 million for accessibility improvements in state parks and wildlife management areas.
  • $9.4 million for road improvements.
  • $8 million for improvements to hiking and paved trails at state parks and hunter walking trails at wildlife management areas.
  • $2 million for improved wayfinding and signage.
  • $1 million for adaptive equipment, including track chairs and accessible hunting blinds, and supporting infrastructure.

For more details on the projects above, please see DNR’s news release from April 4, 2024: Minnesota DNR announces plans to invest $35 million in Get Out MORE funds on wide-ranging access and accessibility improvements across the state.

What people are saying: Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan shares her excitement about critical investments in Minnesota state parks to ensure outdoor spaces are accessible to all Minnesotans.

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