Get Out More

Outdoor recreation is central to Minnesota's identity, fundamental to our economy, and essential for our health and quality of life.

The transformative Get Out MORE (Modernize Outdoor Recreation Experiences) investments, approved by the 2023 legislature and signed by Governor Tim Walz, will help ensure Minnesotans of all abilities and interests enjoy a world-class recreation system, whatever outdoor experience they choose.

Investing in Minnesota

Minnesota DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen talks about how Get Out MORE investments will improve Minnesotans' experiences on public lands and waters.

In January 2024, the DNR announced a full programmatic framework to guide how and where the funding will be allocated in the key areas that Get Out MORE investments are focused. DNR News Release: Minnesota DNR advances implementation of Get Out MORE funding.

The $150 million Get Out MORE investment centers on five key areas:

Enhancing access and welcoming new users to public lands and outdoor recreation facilities

Minnesota's public lands should be accessible for everyone to enjoy.

Modernizing camping and related infrastructure

Campgrounds are like small cities with infrastructure needs from drinking water and wastewater to roads and Wi-Fi.

Enhancing fisheries and fishing infrastructure

Minnesota is renowned for its fishing opportunities, but the places that produce fish and where people catch fish need investments.

Modernizing boating access

Public water accesses need significant investment to make them accessible to all users, meet the needs of modern watercraft, improve protection of public waters from stormwater runoff.

Restoring streams and modernizing water-related infrastructure to support outdoor recreation

Multiple factors are causing more flooding and road washouts, degrade streambanks, and overwhelm water control structures.

An overview factsheet is also available here. Read more about these investments below. 
As we continue to implement Get Out MORE investments over the next five-to-six years, we will update this page with more videos and information on the progress of specific projects. #GetOutMORE

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