Restoring streams and modernizing water-related infrastructure to support outdoor recreation

A main fishing from the shoreline.

Restoring streams and modernizing water-related infrastructure to support outdoor recreation

What's the need: More intense rains combined with changes in land use cause more flooding and road washouts, degrade streambanks, and overwhelm water control structures. This impacts our fish, waterfowl and recreation opportunities.

What's the investment: This $10 million investment includes 10 dam removal/modification projects and five culvert replacements.

  • These projects will reconnect an estimated 156 miles of streams, enhance fish passage and support waterfowl production.
  • Better fish passage supports new shore fishing access along rivers that may currently have no or limited designated access and enhances the fish populations at already established access sites.

What people are saying: DNR area fisheries supervisor TJ DeBates shares the impact of climate change on Minnesota’s streams and the importance of restoration work.

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