Trapping and furbearers

Releasing trapped lynx

Do your part to protect, manage and recover Minnesota's Canada lynx population. Review the existing trapping regulations and new rules on how to avoid the incidental taking of lynx and follow this procedure to release incidentally trapped ones.

Regulated trapping plays an important role in the ecology and conservation of Minnesota's furbearers, which are mammals that are hunted and trapped primarily for fur.Learn more 

Helpful links:

Reminder: Trappers must present the heads and pelts of fisher and pine marten as well as the entire carcass of each bobcat when registering furbearers.

Mandatory Trapper Education: Persons born after Dec. 31, 1989, who have not been issued a trapping license in a previous year may not obtain a trapping license without a trapper education certificate. The Minnesota Trappers Association conducts free trapper education courses statewide and issues certificates that satisfy this requirement. More information about trappers education courses is online at the Minnesota Trappers Association web site.

Reports and surveys

Annual surveys
Fur harvest reports
Trapper surveys

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