Regulated trapping plays an important role in the ecology, conservation and management of Minnesota's furbearers, which are mammals that are hunted and trapped primarily for fur.The DNR manages and regulates trapping to ensure that trapping activities are safe, efficient and practical.Trapping provides recreational and economic opportunities for Minnesota residents while helping to maintain a balance between the needs of people and wildlife.
Trapping is highly regulated. Trapping is controlled through strict, scientifically based regulations. Minnesota conservation officers enforce these regulations.
Trapping is allowed only for abundant wildlife. Regulated trapping does not cause wildlife to become endangered.
Trapping benefits people and wildlife. Regulated trapping provides many benefits to society, especially to maintain a balance between wildlife and people.
Trapping is as humane as possible. Minnesota DNR continually reviews and develops rules, regulations and education programs to ensure that trapping is as humane as possible.
Trappers care about wildlife. Trappers support wildlife laws and regulations because they care about the welfare of wildlife. Through license fees, equipment and trip-related expenditures, trappers – along with hunters – contribute nearly $500 million annually to the state's economy.