News & notices
Antlerless lottery results
Winners have been selected for firearm and muzzleloader antlerless permits. Winners who have not received post cards by mid-October should contact the DNR Information Center.
Movement restrictions
To help minimize the risk of CWD spread, deer carcass movement restrictions are in place. Restrictions vary but even with voluntary CWD sampling, all restrictions remain in place.
Questions & answers
Got a question about the season? Want more details on deer regulations? Take the time to review our FAQ and the deer section of the new hunting and trapping regulations booklet.
2024 seasons & hunts
Season | Dates |
Archery | Sept. 14 - Dec. 31 |
Firearm (A) - 100 Series | Nov. 9-24 |
Firearm (A) - 200 Series | Nov. 9-17 |
Firearm (A) - 300 Series | Nov. 9-17 |
Firearm (B) - 300 Series | Nov. 23-Dec. 1 |
Muzzleloader | Nov. 30 - Dec. 15 |
Metro deer management zone (701) | Nov. 9-Dec. 1 |
Youth - Statewide | Oct. 17-20 |
Early antlerless | Oct. 17-20 |
Hunt | Dates |
Special hunts | Varies |
Late CWD season | Dec. 20-22 |
2025-2029 deer seasons | |
Current harvest | Register your deer |
Permit areas
Chronic wasting disease
CWD testing
CWD sampling is mandatory for all deer one year and older that are harvested on the opening weekend (Saturday, Nov. 9, to Sunday, Nov. 10,) of the A firearms deer season in DPAs designated as a CWD zone.
This sampling requirement applies to all DPAs designated as CWD management or surveillance zones and must be completed within 24 hours of harvest unless a hunter uses a mail-in kit, which must be obtained prior to Saturday, Nov. 9, and the resulting sample postmarked within 72 hours of harvest.
Carcass movement restrictions are in effect for all CWD management zones.
Detailed maps and corresponding information are available in the CWD information section and on the fold-out deer map, which is distributed with the printed regulations booklet.
Testing for CWD
There are several options, which are are available to all hunters – even those outside a CWD zone.
- Mail-in kit: A free mail-in kit for hunters to test for CWD. Unused kits from previous years may be used.
- Partner sampling: Taxidermists across Minnesota will collect samples. These partners will remove a lymph node sample and submit it to the DNR. The test is free but partners may charge fees for their services. Results will be available online.
Deer permit areas affected
Zone | Area(s) |
Management zone | 604, 605, 642 (was 342), 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 655, 661, 679, 684 |
Surveillance zone | 156, 173, 181, 197, 199 |
CWD zone definitions
- Surveillance: CWD has been found in captive deer in this zone or in wild deer in an adjacent deer permit area or state. The DNR is gathering information to determine if CWD has infected any wild deer in these deer permit areas. Some precautionary management actions are in place.
- Management: CWD has been found in wild deer in these areas. Multiple management actions designed to help mitigate disease spread are in place.
New DPAs with mandatory sampling
- 156, 173, 181, 199, 642
All deer licenses (archery, firearms, muzzleloader and bonus permits) go on sale Tuesday, Aug. 1. Once on sale, licenses may be purchased at any time before or during the season.
Landowners who own at least 80 acres of agricultural or grazing land and allow public deer hunting on that land during the deer hunting season can obtain a free license that allows the taking of one additional antlerless deer in either-sex, two-deer limit, three-deer limit and five-deer limit areas.
After a deer season is open, all licenses and permits are valid the same day of purchase if purchased before legal shooting hours. If the license or permit is purchased after legal shooting hours have begun, it is valid the following day.
- A person may purchase no more than one firearms, muzzleloader and archery deer license in a calendar year.
- The bag limit in antlerless lottery areas for firearms and muzzleloader hunters is one deer, which must be a legal buck unless hunters apply for and receive an antlerless permit in the lottery. The permit gives hunters the choice of taking either a legal buck or an antlerless deer.
- Bonus, early antlerless season and disease management permits may be purchased in addition to regular licenses. Bonus permits may be purchased throughout the season but must be in possession when taking deer. Regular licenses and bonus permits may be used in any order.
- A person may not take or tag deer without the appropriate license or permit. The term “take” includes attempting to take deer, deer drives, spotting or otherwise assisting another person in taking deer.
Tagging your deer
Your deer license and site tag comes as a two-part form. The upper half is the site tag for tagging the deer in the field. The lower half is the deer license and registration slip. Hunters must do the following:
- Detach the site tag from the deer license/registration slip.
- Before moving the deer, the hunter whose name is on the license validates the tag by using a knife or similar sharp object to cut out the notches indicating the month, date and time of day the deer was killed (AM/PM).
- If more than one month, date or time is cut out or marked, the tag becomes invalid.
- Hunters may not take deer with the aid or use of bait.
- Ensure you are using legal equipment for taking big game.
- Hunters using firearms to take big game must use legal ammunition.
- Legal bucks have one antler at least 3 inches long.
- Fawn bucks, sometimes called button bucks, are not legal bucks.
- Antlerless deer are deer without an antler at least 3 inches long.
- Know the difference between a deer and an elk.
- Hunters who purchase an archery deer license may take deer with a crossbow throughout the archery deer season. Archery hunters may be asked at registration if they harvested their deer with a crossbow or vertical bow. Crossbow users must be 10 or older.
- Members of a hunting party may not tag a legal buck or antlerless deer for any member of their party hunting with a youth license.
- Portable deer stands may be left overnight in certain wildlife management areas in the northwest.
- A licensed hunter who lawfully harvests an escaped farmed deer or elk is not liable to the owner but they must notify the DNR within 24 hours. If you harvest a deer or elk with ear tags or other identification, contact a conservation officer.
- Hunters may only possess and use nontoxic ammunition when participating in a special hunt or disease management hunt in a Minnesota state park or Scientific and Natural Area or in a regular hunt in a Scientific and Natural Area in which hunting is allowed. See details and a view the list of SNAs open to hunting.
New for 2024
- Blaze orange is required on all fabric or synthetic ground blinds when hunting deer using archery equipment, a firearm or muzzleloader on public land.
- Heads from cervids with or without the cape and neck attached that originate from outside Minnesota may be transported into the state only if they are delivered to a licensed taxidermist within 48 hours of entering the state.
- Heads from cervids with or without the cape and neck attached that are taken inside a CWD management zone may be transported outside of the CWD management zone only if they are delivered to a licensed taxidermist within 48 hours of leaving the management zone.
Special hunts
DNR, municipalities and organizations across Minnesota offer opportunities to hunt at special times and in areas – including state parks – that might regularly be closed to hunting.
Participation in these hunts is limited and often requires special registration. Consult the information contained in regulations book and the links below to register and participate in these hunts.
Earn-a-buck regulations apply during some special hunts. The regulation requires that a hunter harvest and tag an anterless deer with his or her own tag before harvesting a antlered deer.
* These hunts may require nontoxic ammunition.
Learn to hunt
Do you value strong connections to your outdoors and the food you eat? Are you looking for a new way to interact with the fields, woods, and waters around you?
Then view our series of 10 free, one-hour Learn To Deer Hunt lunchtime webinars. These classes offer an introduction and explanation of deer hunting and how to do it.
You also can view our series of short videos designed to help make you a better deer hunter. From sighting in your gun to managing land to reading deer sign and setting up your stand, these videos are intended to help regardless of your experience level.
Discover fall fields and forests with help from our archery and firearms how-to-hunt-deer guides.
Hunting is only one aspect of the DNR's effort to manage deer for the public trust. We are committed to socially and ecologically responsive and responsible deer management for the benefit of all Minnesotans now and into the future. Visit our deer management page to learn about the many things we do to manage one of Minnesota's most popular animals.
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